“The skills I use daily are skills I honed at Simon’s Rock: critical thinking, problem solving, and creative collaboration.”
The W.E.B. Du Bois Scholarship program begins.
“You get to know your teachers, and they treated you like a junior colleague …They made it feel like they were learning from you. It was magical.”
Simon’s Rock Soccer team plays in NSCAA national championship tournament.
Veronica Chambers '87 writes Mama's Girl.
“When I got to Simon's Rock, I found a community that took me seriously as a human being and that believed in me so that I could flourish.”
Bard High School Early College launches, a joint project of Bard and the NYC Board of Education based on the Simon’s Rock model
First Bard Academy class, establishing the 6-year arc
Simon’s Rock welcomes its first class of 50 young women into a 4-year A.A. program
Simon’s Rock partners with Bard College
Jamie Hutchinson, appointed in 1976, taught the popular class: The Inklings.
Doug Ahlers ’77 creates first commercial website
Women’s Studies program founded.
Joan DelPlato, appointed in 1987, taught the popular class Harems: Imagined and Real.
In 1990, Ace the frog moves into the pond in the Alumni Library Atrium. Deuce moves in soon after.
Kellogg was moved from upper campus to its current location.
“Central to education at Simon’s Rock is an ability to manage diverse ideas in creative tension”
Baird Whitlock awards the first B.A. degrees
“ It wasn’t just that I had a good time at Simon’s Rock: it was a transformative experience for me.”
―Allyson Sgro ’01
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