Working together to put a one-of-a-kind opportunity in your reach
For many students, Simon’s Rock is a unique opportunity — much more than an “option.”
It’s the “where have you been all my life” answer.
The opportunities at Simon’s Rock are unlike anything you’ll experience elsewhere. The quality of attention and focus on your individual abilities are ingrained into the entire Simon’s Rock experience. We are committed to working closely with you and your family to envision the almost limitless possibilities that await, and to discover how to put that vision within your reach.
Your research has likely turned up some variation on the phrase, “an education is an investment in your future.” Starting college two years earlier, and in the amazing environment we offer, is a huge advantage. At Simon’s Rock your investment brings returns sooner — intellectually, emotionally, socially, professionally and financially. It’s an advantage that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Because of scholarships and financial aid, the cost of attendance can vary greatly depending on the individual student’s specific situation.
We’re here to help.
About 80 percent of Simon’s Rock students receive a financial aid package — usually a combination of awards, grants, and loans.
To be considered for admission and the fullest possible funding, apply for financial aid at the same time you are applying for admission.
Watch: Affording Simon’s Rock