By Emily Berge-Thielmann
Mileta Roe, Simon’s Rock Faculty in Spanish and Comparative Literature, translated
a play titled “LA RATA-CAMBALACHERA” for Concrete Temple Theatre in New York City,
NY. Roe’s translation of “LA RATA-CAMBALACHERA” was presented in New York City at
the Dixon Place Theatre on October 10 and 11 before going on to the Festival Internacional
Cervantino (FIC) in Guanajuato, Mexico on October 22. Festival Internacional Cervantino
was called by NPR: “Latin America’s biggest cultural event.”
Roe shares the following on her work: “I was so pleased to have the opportunity to translate this clever play, whose content is both comical and consequential, with an enduring ecological message. And I remain awed by the company’s staged spectacle which combines the thoughtful text with glorious stage design and puppetry, projection, music, and choreographed movement.”
For more information on this performance, please follow this link.