Educated in Europe, Mr. Biber’s Maturité was granted at the Collège de Genève. A native of Switzerland, he received his Licence ès Sciences Politiques and is a graduate of the Institute of International Studies of the University of Geneva. From 1963 to 1971, he was a group leader and then executive director of the Language Abroad Institute in Europe, which has programs in Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Spain. He has been teaching at the University of Geneva summer school since 1972 and represents Simon’s Rock in Switzerland. His teaching background also includes five years at Thayer Academy in Braintree, Massachusetts. During the 1985–86 academic year, Mr. Biber was an exchange scholar at the University of Geneva. He is the author, with his wife, of the book Heurs et malheurs d’une famille angevine et vendéenne, 1754–1794 (EM Texts, 1993). (1968–1997)