The Campus Safety office is staffed 24 hours a day by trained officers who serve all members of the Simon’s Rock community.
The Campus Safety director and officers work closely with the Office of Campus Life, the Council for Equity and Inclusion, the Wellness Center, Physical Plant, and many members of the faculty and staff. Our core priority is to actively understand and respond to student needs and safety concerns.
Campus Safety officers are here to ensure your safety at all times. We are on duty 24/7 and serve all members of the Simon’s Rock community. Our officers are trained to respond to all emergencies and maintain a regular patrol of the Simon’s Rock campus. Several officers are trained EMTs, and all officers participate in ongoing security and safety training programs, including trainings focused on CPR and first aid, dating and domestic violence, diversity and inclusion, first responder, hate crimes, and Narcan.
We believe that campus safety and security is a collective responsibility. The Campus Safety Staff asks that everyone play an active role, immediately reporting suspicious activity, emergencies, and potentially unsafe conditions to Campus Safety or to a residence director.
The Campus Safety Office is located in the Livingston Hall Student Union. For any on-campus emergency, dial ‘0’ or x7291 for the Campus Safety Department. From a cell phone dial 413-528-7291.