Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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  4. Language
  5. Language and Word Choice

Language and Word Choice

Use consistent language. If unsure of a grammar rule, defer to the Chicago Manual of Style. 

Writing and Grammar Style Guide

 Official Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

  • “Simon’s Rock” is the preferred shorthand for the institution, as opposed to “Bard,” “Bard College,” or “BC@SR.” Abbreviations should be avoided on the website to provide clarity to outside audiences and to aid in search engine optimization.
  • “Bard Academy at Simon’s Rock” is the primary name of the academy, which can be shortened to Bard Academy after first mention.
  • Use “Rockers” to describe the sense of on-campus community spirit and the alumni network.
  • “Llamas” should be used only in athletic contexts.
  • "Early College High School" even when referring to a Bard Network institution should be "High School Early

Text Guidelines

We need consistent CTA word choice in order to create a smooth user experience.


Contact information should be formatted as a list, see below.

First Last


First2 Last2



8 p.m. 
10 a.m.  
11:30 p.m. 


Numbers zero through nine get written out, and those with two or more digits are represented numerically. Dates, phone numbers, times, and the beginning of a sentence are an exception.

  • Use one
  • Use 10


Use "percent" in body copy. e.g. 80 percent, unless it is a scientific document. Use % for headers


  • Viewbook is the college brochure (not fact book)
  • Academy Fact Sheet
  • College Fact Sheet

Application CTA

  • Use "Apply Now" for links to the application form 
  • Use "Apply" for links to How To Apply

Donate CTA

  • Use Give Now for links to the donation form
  • Use Make a Gift for links to Ways to Give


We use the oxford or serial comma. Use a comma between serial items.

  • Do follow rules 1, 2, and 3.

Job Titles Capitalization

Capitalize the job title if it modifies a person's name. Otherwise, use lowercase. 

  • Ian Bickford, provost of Bard College at Simon’s Rock
  • Provost Ian Bickford
  • Professor Mike Bergman
  • Mike Bergman, physics professor
  • Jane Smith, director of Campus Life

Departments and Courses Capitalized

Official names of courses of study as well as departments are capitalized.

Examples from Chicago Manual of Style

  • I am signing up for Archeology 101.
  • A popular course at the Graham School of General Studies is Basic Manuscript Editing.
  • His ballroom dancing classes have failed to civilize him.

Words and Punctuation

  • Use MySimonsRock instead of Portal when referring to the log-in content. (
  • Use an em-dashand not an en-dash—to separate a thought. 
    Create an em dash by using the symbol picker in the WYSIWYG (second row, left of the middle)

American Spelling

The Chicago Manual of Style recommends using American spellings.

  • Use playwriting not playwrighting
  • Use decolonization not decolonisation
  • Use labored not laboured
  • Use feng shui not fengshui
  • Use Theater not theatre, but proper nouns should be referred to with their titles such National Theatre of London.


In general use catalogue, not catalog. But proper nouns should be referred to with their titles such as Library Catalog.

Omit Hyphen

As described in the Writing and Grammar Guide, avoid extraneous hyphen.


  • Check Writing and Grammar Guide
  • Check for usage in the current Course Catalog
  • Check Merriam Webster


  • Use LGBTQ+
  • Avoid "Pioneer"