Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College

Alumni Library

The search for knowledge begins here.

Welcome to the Alumni Library at Simon’s Rock!
More library resources are listed below

Information for



First Years


Queer Pride Guide

Disability Resources

Black Lives Matter Solidarity


Citing Sources

By citing your sources, you’re showing your reader where you got your information. It is important to distinguish the sources of information that you use from your own ideas, interpretations, and conclusions. Failure to cite your sources is plagiarism.

Citation Guide

Tracking Down Citations


Citation Tools

For a quick and reliable tool that helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software, try ZoteroBib.

For a more robust solution perfect for extensive research (such as a thesis), you want Zotero, which will help you collect citations directly from your browser as you search, organize your research, cite sources using an extension for MS Word, and generate a bibliography with one click.

Get Zotero

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12:00am

Friday 8:30am-9:00pm

Saturday 12:00pm-10:00pm

Sunday 12:00pm-12:00am

Research Support

Browse databases by name or subject


Search for periodicals by name or by subject to find a specific magazine, newspaper or periodical


Interlibrary Loan

Requests and Renewals


Research Methods

Even in the age of easy to use search engines and convenient access to online information, it pays to know how to conduct research in a methodical way. Here’s some help getting started:

Choosing a Topic

Laying Your Research Foundation

Multiple Viewpoints


Writing Resources

Writing well is a skill that you develop over time. Here are some resources to help:

Writing in College: A Short Guide to College Writing>


Contact Us

Ask a Librarian

Meet the Librarians


Explore the Library and Archives

Library Map


Simon’s Rock Archives

The Simon’s Rock Archives is the official repository for noncurrent records of enduring historical value. Please contact for research help or to schedule a visit.


Senior Theses


Library Accessiblity

We are committed to making our collections, services, spaces, and events as accessible as we can and to providing reasonable accommodations whenever possible. All requests and accommodations are confidential.

Library Accessibility Form



Library Policies
Circulation, Reserves and more


Print & Digital Collections

Simon’s Rock Authors

Early College Research Institute

Kanopy (OSUN)

The Library of Things

Libby (Overdrive)

New York Times Subscription


Explore the Library

Student Borrowing book from circulation
Circulation is the main intersection in the library: check books and DVDs out or access items on reserve for your courses
Student relaxing while studying
Whether you want to relax with the newspaper; find an article from a peer-reviewed journal; browse for a DVD; or meet up for a group study session, this is the place.
Student Borrowing book from circulation
Much of the library is designated for quiet study so that you can always find a place to read, write, think, study, or just relax. The Reference Room and all the stacks are quiet areas.
Student deeply involved in research
With large tables to spread out, get deeply involved in your research, whether you’re using the reference collection or the library’s extensive online resources.
A student uses library resources while writing a paper.
The senior thesis is a requirement for a Simon’s Rock BA; it is also a work that adds to the world’s knowledge. The library archives a copy of every thesis submitted in the Reference Room.
A student finds just the right book for his research.
With 75,000 books in the stacks, this is the number one place to find just the right book or a quiet nook for a serious study session.
The library Atrium
Enjoy the quiet splash of water and the occasional call of a bullfrog — you can also meet with a tutor, get help at the writing center, or ask advice of the pros in the Win Commons.