The Simon’s Rock Archives is the official repository for noncurrent records of enduring historical value. Please contact us at for research help or to schedule a visit.
Included among the archives collections are the papers of founder Elizabeth Blodgett Hall (1909–2005) and her husband Livingston Hall (1903–1995), as well as many papers, publications, photographs, and media produced by students, faculty, administration, and staff over the course of Simon’s Rock’s history.
Elizabeth Blodgett Hall standing on “Simon’s Rock” 1964
Elizabeth Blodgett Hall with the original blueprints of the new campus, designed by Morehouse and Chesley, 1964
“In recognition of the importance of preserving the institutional memory of Simon’s Rock (aka Simon’s Rock College, Simon’s Rock College of Bard, and Bard College at Simon’s Rock) and documenting the path of the Simon’s Rock development, the Overseers hereby establish the Simon’s Rock Archives as the official repository for non-current records of enduring historical value. These archives shall be administered as a departmental unit of the Alumni Library, and shall be open to all members of the Simon’s Rock community and the general public in accordance with the College Archives’ general policies and any specific restrictions regarding access and use that shall be established.” (October 10, 2002)
ARC theater interior on the Simon’s Rock campus, 1966
The Mission of the Simon’s Rock Archives:
(October 10, 2002)
(February 1, 2017)
Commencement, 1976
View finding aids and detailed information about these collections and more on our research guide.
News from Simon’s Rock, March 1975
The following collections are currently undergoing digitization and cataloging:
To view these digital collections as they are in process contact us to make an appointment:
The Oral History Project includes interviews with faculty, staff, and alumni. Transcripts and audio/visual materials are available to view in the Archives. Selected excerpts from the transcripts are available on Digital Commons.
The archives strives to collect materials printed and/or published in a paper based format from the following offices:
The archives presently does not collect any records from any office that holds sensitive or restricted materials such as the Office of Student Life, the Wellness Center, the Office of Business and Administration (benefits, payroll), the Office of Financial Aid, or Academic Affairs (student records/registrar). The archives does hold some records from the above offices dated prior to 2002 (when the archives was officially formed) and many records have been assigned a restricted status.
The “Mods” under construction, 1974
At present time all official college records are created in a digital format and, almost all, are distributed/published exclusively in a digital format. As the website’s pages, links, and downloads are continuously updated, edited, and redesigned it is not a static environment, therefore the archives strives to capture and store digital records as stable files.
These files are sourced from the website and the webmail system, and are downloaded to a dedicated storage drive. Some files may be selected to be printed as well and stored in the physical archives collection.
Images are collected either through digital scans of paper based photographs held in the archives collection or directly uploaded by the photographer. Images are uploaded, catalogued, and stored in a digital asset management database hosted on the Simon’s Rock Server.
The Simon’s Rock Archives are located in the Alumni Library. The archives are open by appointment Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If you would like to visit, need help locating materials, have any questions or have materials that you think should be preserved, please contact the Simon’s Rock Archives at
Student Mailboxes, Hall College Center, 1970s
The Copyright Law of the United States (US Code, Title 17) governs the making of photocopies and reproductions of copyrighted material. It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain permission for use of any material where copyrights, literary property rights, or other forms of ownership of intellectual property may apply, in conformance with the provisions of the United States Copyright Law. Photocopies are provided for scholarship and research purposes only and may not be further reproduced.
Campus Aerial View, 1973
Copies are prepared solely for the use of the researcher and may not be reproduced, published, broadcast without the prior written permission of the Simon’s Rock Archives.
The Simon’s Rock Archives encourages researchers to use their own camera to capture material for research purposes, however photocopying and scanning can be arranged for most materials. These services have a nominal fee associated with them and must be handled by the Archivist.
Many audio/visual materials in the archives exist in formats no longer current. A copy request may involve transferring content to a digital format and therefore will carry a nominal fee. If you would like to request a copy of audio/visual materials please first contact the archivist via email to ensure that the archives can fulfill your request, then fill out this request form and email to or post mail to:
Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Alumni Library
84 Alford Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230