At Simon’s Rock, you’ll learn how to manage new academic challenges. We’ll help you figure it out.
It’s likely the academic challenge you are craving will be, well, challenging. Our students come to Simon’s Rock ready for hard intellectual work, but many need help developing the study habits and skills to meet the demands of rigorous college classes.
Our trained staff is ready to provide a wide range of assistance, including guidance through many of the specific academic challenges new students face during their transition from high school to college.
“Balancing the rigor of the classes here as well as my social life was actually one of the most challenging things I’ve dealt with here at Simon’s Rock. But, over the years, it’s actually something I’ve worked on with the professors, and now, I feel like I’ve mastered doing both.”
— Ishan '12
Maybe you’ve breezed through classes in high school without learning the strategies for note-taking and studying that will help you tackle the work you’ll be doing at Simon’s Rock. Maybe you’ve struggled with a tendency toward perfectionism that makes looming deadlines especially daunting. Many Rockers discover that managing their time and balancing their social and academic commitments can be difficult at first. Our staff can help you develop highly effective, personalized approaches to these problems.
Rockers are here because they love a challenge. We’re here to help you meet it.