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- Spanish and Latin American Studies Curriculum
- 31+ credits, with a minimum of 11 credits in Spanish above SPAN 205
- Two 300-level classes in Spanish, one of which must be completed at Simon’s Rock or
within the Bard College system
- One methodology/practice course: Introduction to Linguistics or Translation Workshop
- One related course outside the Division of Languages and Literature
- Study-abroad Preparation and Reflection modules (if applicable)
Introductory Courses
- SPAN 100/101Accelerated Beginning Spanish I and II (8 credits)*
Intermediate Courses
- SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish I: Perspectives of Latin America (3 credits)*
- SPAN 205 Intermediate Spanish II: Spain and Its Culture (3 credits)*
Advanced Courses
- SPAN 212 Love and Other Demons: Latin American Novellas (3 credits)
- SPAN 213 Latin Am Detective Fiction (3 credits)
- SPAN 215 Advanced Spanish (3 credits)
- SPAN 216m Luis Buñuel: Spanish Surrealist (2 credits)
- SPAN 219 Spanish Conversation (3 credits)
- SPAN 227/327 Between Sin and Sickness: A Journey Through Latin American “Queer” Literature
(3/4 credits)
- LIT 279 Storytelling in the Americas (3 credits)
- SPAN 313 Latin American Boom and Beyond (4 credits)
- SPAN 300T Tutorials in Advanced Topics in Spanish (4 credits)
Methodology/Practice Course
- LING 100 Introduction to Linguistics (3 credits)
- LIT 291 Translation Workshop (3 credits)
Additional courses
- Study-Abroad Preparation, if applicable (1 credit)
- Study-Abroad Reflection, if applicable (1 credit)
- Study-Away courses (9+ credits)
- One related course outside the Division of Languages and Literature (3 credits)
*Students who, upon arrival at Simon’s Rock, place into a Spanish class above SPAN
205 apply a larger number of advanced or study-away credits toward the concentration
than those who begin their Spanish study in lower-level courses.
Leave to Study Away
Simon’s Rock Signature Program: Spanish Studies Abroad (www.SpanishStudies.org)
- Semester and Summer Programs are offered in Spain (Alicante, Barcelona, Sevilla);
Havana, Cuba; Córdoba, Argentina; and San Juan, Puerto Rico
- January Term Program (4-5 credits) with Simon’s Rock faculty in Sevilla
Other Recommended Programs:
- Academic Programs International (API)
- Academic Year Abroad (AYA)
- Instituto Cultural Oaxaca (www.icomexico.com)
Sample Senior Theses
Students may elect to write (in Spanish or English) a critical thesis, a comparative
thesis, or a work of translation with a critical component.
“‘Arguedas’ Los ríos profundos: Land and Indigenous Identity in Perú”
“Hearts in Conflict: Three Women in El Salvador’s Uncivil War”
“Latin American Dictator Novel”
“Revolutionary Change within the Indian Community of Guatemala”
“Analyzing Experience: Women’s Status Among the Mapuche”
Faculty Contacts
Daniel Giraldo
Mileta Roe