The Title IX Office is dedicated to preventing, responding to, and remedying occurrences of harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct at Bard College at Simon’s Rock and Bard Academy. The Title IX Office provides accessible, prompt, thorough, and impartial methods of investigation and resolution in response to formal complaints alleging violations of our Title IX and Equity Policies within the Simon’s Rock community.
With a focus on gender equity, the Title IX Office provides educational and preventative programming for employees and students. The Title IX Office provides information and connection to services and support for individuals who have been impacted by gender and sex-based misconduct, including members of our community who have been impacted by sexual violence.
Listed below are different options for accessing resources coordinated by the Title IX Office. These individuals are here to help you make an informed decision about which pathways are right for you contacting any of these individuals is not the same as filing a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.
Confidential Resource Providers through our Wellness Center can connect students with supportive measures and information regarding processes in the Title IX Office. Confidential Resource Providers are not mandated reporters to the Title IX Office, unlike other faculty and staff on campus.
Confidential Resource Providers (CRPs) are designated individuals who can connect students with supportive measures and information about the policies and processes within the Title IX Office. If you report an incident to a CRP, that individual will not contact the Title IX Office without your permission. A CRP will:
Our on-campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator serves as the primary point of contact within the Title IX Office for individuals seeking supportive measures and information regarding processes in the Title IX Office. Where a student wishes to file a Complaint, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator will forward the Complaint to the Title IX Coordinator in order to begin a Formal Grievance Process.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Any employee with knowledge of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct involving members of the Bard College at Simon’s Rock community will notify the Title IX Office to ensure that the individual is connected with supportive measures, resources, and information about reporting options.
In cases where students, faculty or staff have experienced misconduct prohibited under the Title IX Policy and/or the Equity Policy, they may file either a report in order to notify the college of the misconduct and receive supportive resources, or file a Complaint in order to initiate a Grievance Process in addition to receiving supportive resources. Speaking with a member of the Title IX Office or with a Confidential Resource Provider is not the same as filing a complaint. Please note that where a report is filed anonymously, Simon’s Rock may be limited in its ability to respond. However, anonymous reports can play an important role in understanding campus climate.
Individuals may learn more about Filing a Complaint by:
Individuals may file a Formal Complaint by:
Title IX Coordinator(Located on Bard’s Annandale Campus)
Lauren Gretina
Interim Deputy Title IX Coordinator(Located on Bard’s Annandale Campus)
Jacob Testa
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Need support? You have options.
A resource guide presented by the Bard Academy and Bard College at Simon’s Rock Title IX Office.
Equity and Title IX: Policy and Procedures
This document contains a lengthy explanation of your rights and responsibilities when interacting with support or formal process options provided by the Title IX Office.
Any member of the Simon’s Rock Community who believes they have been subjected to misconduct under the Title IX or Equity policies is encouraged to seek support and assistance through at least one of the resources listed below.
On-Campus, Confidential Resource
Wellness Center
Off-Campus, Confidential Resource
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Local crisis center
Off-Campus, Criminal Reporting Options
Individuals have the right to decide whether to file or decline to file a report with
the Massachusetts State Police or the local law enforcement agency where the misconduct
occurred. Individuals may participate in a criminal process, College process, both,
or neither. The Title IX Coordinator and other campus authorities are available to
assist individuals in reporting to law enforcement.
Great Barrington Police Department
413-528-0306 (non-emergency)
413-528-7994 (emergency)
or by dialing 911
On-Campus, Private Support
Resources listed here will need to relay reports of sexual harassment and misconduct
to the Title IX Coordinator. Information shared with the Title IX Coordinator will
be relayed only as necessary to investigate and/or seek a resolution.
Campus Safety
The Campus Safety office is staffed 24 hours a day by trained officers who serve all
members of the Simon’s Rock community.
Campus Life
Campus life is fully staffed during regular business hours with a member on call 24
hours a day.
Title IX Office
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Simon’s Rock encourages all individuals to preserve evidence relating to reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking. Evidence may be important for an investigation under this policy. Examples of evidence may include text messages, emails, social media communications, phone records, photographs, documents, clothing, bedding, and medical information.
Following a report of misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator can assist with providing supportive measures and accommodations, such as changes in campus housing, changes to academic or work schedules, academic support and assistance, access to counseling and support services, work accommodations, and no contact orders, as well as other services and supports. Supportive measures may be accessed either directly through the Title IX Coordinator or through a Confidential Resource Provider.
Bard College at Simon’s Rock does not discriminate in admission, employment, education or services on the basis of race, color, sex, creed, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, genetic information, previous military service, or any other class protected under state or federal law. College policy is consistent with state mandates as well as federal statutes and regulation, including but not limited to Executive Orders 11246 and 11375 as amended, Massachusetts Executive Order 74, Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Please address all inquiries or grievances to the College’s Title IX Coordinator (, who also serves as the contact for Title VI; the Vice Provost (, who serves as the Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for students; or the Director of Finance and Administration (, who serves as the Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for employees.
Students at Bard College at Simon’s Rock can indicate a self-identified pronoun to the College regardless of whether or not they have legally changed their gender. By choosing to have a different pronoun than one’s legally-identified gender, the College’s computer system will automatically change the pronoun as it appears in many of the College’s internal locations and reports, such as: Class rosters, Midterm and Final comments, and Attendance warnings.
Places where SELF-IDENTIFIED PRONOUN will be used:
Places where your LEGAL GENDER PRONOUN will be used: