Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College

Daniel Arts Center


The Daniel Arts Center is both an exceptional campus resource and a major regional cultural destination. This contemporary two-building complex houses a 300-seat theater, 100-seat black-box, dance studio, and studios and production facilities dedicated to every form of art and media.

Explore the Daniel Arts Center

Beckerman Dance Studio

The 1,800-square-foot dance studio is flooded with light and surrounded by Lois Greenfield’s joyful, Inspirational Dance Frieze.

Black Box Theater

The Black Box Theater offers flexible seating and staging options for experimental productions.

Ceramics Studio

The ceramics studio is a modern, handmade, airy work space with wheels for every ceramicist, and electric, gas, and wood-fired kilns.

Painting Studio

A gorgeous, light-filled space, the painting studio inspires students in drawing and painting courses.

Filmmaking Studio

Aspiring filmmakers learn video and film production in our filmmaking studio.

Hillman Jackson Gallery
Visiting artists and students showcase their work.
McConnell Theater

The McConnell is a 300-seat proscenium theater with orchestra and balcony seating, uniquely designed to make every performance feel intimate.

Student in Woodworking Shop

 Design comes to life in the spacious and fully equipped wood and metal studio.


Across the hall from the darkroom, the etching press stands in the middle of a studio devoted entirely to printmaking.