Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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  5. Color


The Color Palette



  • use palette and hex values listed below as a guide
  • consult with the Office of Communications and Marketing for any support or questions surrounding colors
  • follow the accessibility guidelines noted for each color, namely, what color and size text can be paired with each color


  • add colors to the above palette
  • use colors outside of those above
  • apply these colors in an inappropriate manner




Red can be paired with white, but black is not accessible.

Simon’s Rock color palette is defined by Bard red. This color is the action color. It should primarily be used for Calls to Action. In rare exceptions, it can be used as text color or as background color.


Use grays for interface items within secondary navigation, text color, and backgrounds. When possible gray tones are used instead of black and white. This creates a subtlety and elegance. White is used occasionally as text when there is dark background. Black is used as a secondary background such as the page footer and video modal window.

Light Gray



Light gray can be paired with black, but white is not accessible.

Light gray is used to provide contrast to dark colors.

Medium Gray



Medium gray can be paired with white and large text black, normal sized black text is not accessible.

Medium gray is the standard text color.

Dark Gray2



Dark gray2 can be paired with white, black is not accessible.

Dark gray2 is used rarely.

Dark Gray



Dark gray can be paired with white, black is not accessible.

Dark gray is the go-to dark color to give deep contrast.





Blue can be paired with white and large text black, normal sized black text is not accessible.

Blue, and its variations, is the most frequently used of the accent colors.

Less Blue



A less saturated version of blue is used on pull quotes.

Dark Blue



Dark blue is used as the hover color for blue on the events carousel.




Orange can be paired with black and large text white, normal sized white text is not accessible.

Dark Orange



Dark orange is used as the hover color for orange on the events carousel.




Yellow is used sparingly as an accent with black. It's used on the expanded navigation and footer. It is not accessible to use with white.




Purple is used sparingly as an additional color, after blue and orange are used. Purple can be paired with white and large black text, normal sized black text is not accessible.