Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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  2. Guide
  3. Foundation
  4. Design
  5. Typography


There are two typefaces used on the website, Helvetica Neue and Le Havre Rough Basic (Le Havre).


For information on typography patterns and styles and how to apply them, please visit the Patterns section of the guide.


Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue is clean, modern, stylishly-simple and has been the primary typeface for the College print identity since 2012. On the website, it is used as the primary typeface for paragraph copy, intro paragraph styles, captions, navigations, and more. It is set at a large size in order to maintain a scannable and clean design. 

examples of Helvetica Neue used on the site

Intro paragraph uses large set Helvetica Neue

Paragraph: all body copy in paragraphs is displayed in Helvetica Neue. 

image caption

Le Havre

In order to reflect the unique personality of Simon’s Rock, Le Havre was introduced into the design as a typographic accent. Le Havre is a heavy-weight, youthful, unconventional typeface with a lot of character. The irregular edges and loudness of the typeface echo the nontraditional and bold nature of the College.

examples of Le Havre used on the site

Header H1

Header H2

Header H3

Header H4

Video or image caption

 CTA Bullet



Typeface Guidelines

Use Typefaces correctly

  • apply correct styles to written content
  • ensure you maintain a correct typographic hierarchy with headers
  • maintain consistent and clean spacing

Avoid Custom Typography

  • Don't apply incorrect styles to written content
  • Don't center text or headers
  • Don't use incorrect or confusing hierarchies with headers
  • Don't change color, weight or typeface

Avoid Using Bold and Italics for emphasis

If you want text to stand out, set the content apart rather than relying on bold or italics.

To Emphasize Text

  • Use descriptive headers
  • Put important information at beginning of line and paragraph
  • Use white space, including line break