Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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  3. Templates

Templates Overview

Website templates ensure consistent design and use. Pick the template that matches your content needs and use case. 

Mixed Content Wireframe

Mixed Content

No hero graphic 

Mixed Full thumbnail

Mixed Full

Flexible Full Width Content

academics thumbnail


Highlight Areas of Study

academics thumbnail

Area of Study

Dynamic Academic Content 

campus landing thumbnail


Highlight Facility 

gateway thumbnail


Links for Secondary Audiences

gateway thumbnail


Hero and No Nav

master section thumbnail


High Priority Links


Giving Landing thumbnail


Profile Embeds 

profile thumbnail

Profile Full

Highlight Community Member (with Hero)

Profile Basic thumbnail

Profile Simple

Highlight Community Member (No Hero) 

student life thumbnail

Student Life

Mix of Full Width and Railed Content


news article thumbnail

News Article

Add Content to RSS

news listing thumbnail

News Listing

Displays RSS

video thumbnail


Video Modal


Bio Template

Bio Template


Mixed Content

Mixed Content Wireframe

The Mixed Content template is the most flexibly designed template. It rarely appears as an upper level page and makes up almost all of the lower level pages. The template has a WYSIWYG edit field and should be customized to fit what’s needed—the page could be a longer article, or include a number of images and media. Use this template for pages that have LDP Forms. This template is also used for the bio sub-template, see below.

In general, a typical layout for the Mixed Content template would be as follows:

  1. Centered H1 header
  2. Followed by one or two sentences of intro paragraph copy (can be preceded by H2),
  3. Full width image
  4. Then body copy set in paragraph style.

Document Title

The top of the page display of the Document Title can be toggled off with a page parameter. This is useful on pages where media should be displayed first. 

Main Navigation

Navigation style can be toggled with a page parameter. The Full is the default navigation found throughout the site.

Use Minimal Navigation on landing pages with lead generation forms. This reduced nav limits the choices and distraction so that the user focuses on completing the form. Industry tests as well as tests on show that this can be an effective tool. 

When minimal navigation is toggled on, then main content is full-width - with no side margins. 


Turn of display of breadcrumbs with a page parameter. Breadcrumbs appear towards the top of the page and show the structure of the page. For example: 

  1. Home
  2.  > 
  3. Guide
  4.  > 
  5. Templates

Turn off breadcrumbs on pages with lead generation forms that use the Full Navigation. This reduces distraction so that the user focuses on completing the form. Tests show that this can be an effective tool. 


Toggle the Left Sidenav using a Content Parameter. Display the Sidenav by default. 

Hide Sidenav IF:

  • Terminal page in the funnel, such as a Contact Form
  • The nav structure is deep and the sidenav is overwhelming
  • The sidenav is redundant with the page content


Mixed Media Form

Most forms have a 2 column layout. Content is on the left and the form is on the right. Some forms have a hero graphic and use the Gatekeeper Layout


Landing Pages

As seen above, Landing pages with forms should hide navigation. 

Mixed Full

Mixed Full thumbnail

This template offers flexible full-width content. Use for highly designed pages that won't work in other templates. The original two pages have page-specific CSS. Light edits can be made via the WYSIWYG. Major edits need to be made to the source. 

Page Parameters

  • Secondary Nav
  • Toggle hero between video and image


  • Hero Content
  • Content - Full width content, no rails (side margins)


academics thumbnail

This template is used for highlighting our areas of study and special programs.

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Toggle intro section
  • Add intro text

Area of Study

This content area is dynamic and is not built on this page. It is compiled from the individual pages that utilize the Area of Study template. Set a division filter by adding code to the source footer.

<script>setTimeout(function(){ $('#languages').click(); }, 750);</script> 

Area of Study

campus landing thumbnail

This template is used to highlight an area of study or special programs. Content appears on an area of study page as well as on other Area of Study Template pages and the Academic Template pages. 

Page Parameters

  • Toggle column 1 and 2
  • Related Programs Heading (Heading 3)
  • Select Related Programs by choosing an Area of Study page (Colored link boxes)
  • Profile Content is not being used


Use 3 edit fields to build the unique page content.


Describe the Area of Study. In general, a typical layout for Area of Study template would be as follows:

  1. Intro copy summarizing highlights
  2. Paragraph of additional summary
  3. Heading 3 Related Career Paths 
  4. Paragraph listing related career paths
  5. Heading 3 Curriculum
  6. Heading 4 element
  7. Paragraph description of element
  8. Repeat #6 and #7 as necessary
  9. CTA - Browse Course Catalogue
  10. Heading 3 Course Spotlight

Column 1

Add a 550px wide image relevant to the course spotlight. This column can be toggled in the parameters. 

Column 2

  1. Add a Heading 4 course title with Any - Margin Top Reduce from the styles dropdown.
  2. Add a paragraph course description. 

This column can be toggled in the parameters.


Set content for display on Academics Template pages. 

  • Toggle display
  • Name
  • Select Area of Study or Special Program
  • Select Program Area
  • Introduction gives a short description
  • Select image 450px wide
  • Image description

New Areas of Study

When making new pages, set display to none or put draft page in /training folder. Area of Study content display will be compiled into Academics pages even if the Area of Study page is unpublished.


campus landing thumbnail

This template is used to highlight the major facilities.

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Toggle intro on and off
  • Add Intro Header (Heading 2)
  • Add Intro Paragraph (intro)
  • Set Additional Content Columns (1 or 2)
  • Toggle Full Column on or off
  • Toggle Calendar on or off


gateway thumbnail

This template is used to introduce sub-audiences to a range of links. Gateway pages are used for the Info For links such as prospective parents, counselors, alumni, community members and current students and families. The gateway template makes common tasks easy to find by organizing groups of content.

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Toggle Calendar on or off
  • Add a Calendar heading

Main Content

In general, a typical layout for the Gateway template includes an Image List.


gatekeeper thumbnail

This template is used for landing pages with forms. The page has no navigation, encouraging users to fill out the form by reducing choices. The hero graphic adds an opportunity for compelling and prominent messaging. 

Main Content

In general, a typical layout for the Gatekeeper will include: 

  • 2 columns
  • First column: add class col-sm-6 row-col-highlight
  • Inside first column: wrap text in a div with class text-wrapper
  • Inside first column: add form asset
  • Second column: add class col-sm-6

Master Section Landing

master section thumbnail

This template is used to introduce a range of high priority links. The Master Section Landing was designed for two pages admission pages. This template is differentiated from the Gateway by

  • Links underneath Hero
  • Body links get more of a setup (but not strictly built into template)
  • No calendar

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image


  • Hero
  • Action Item Table Transformation
  • Intro Content
  • Main Content 



Giving Landing thumbnail

This template offers profile embeds and a trailing CTA section. Originally conceived as a one-off, but could be repeated if we ever get profile embeds off the ground.

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Top Profile Link (or leave empty)
  • Toggle Top Content
  • Bottom Profile Link (or leave empty)


  • Hero Content
  • Main Content
  • Highlight Content

Profile Full

profile thumbnail 

This template is used to highlight successful members of the Simon's Rock community. Use this template for profiles that include a hero graphic or video.

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Toggle Intro on or off
  • Add intro paragraph
  • Toggle Sub Intro
  • Path to Rocker Widget, displays at bottom of page


MultiEdit content is output for external profile listings, including the Profile Rocker and Profile Slat. This view is shared with the Basic Profile Template.

  • Title is Line 2 of the Profile Rocker.
  • First Name and Last Name are combined for Line 1 of the Profile Rocker. Keep the name to 11 characters, otherwise it may be off on certain screen sizes. For privacy, students last names are often left blank.
  • DO NOT USE the Rocker Link. There is a problem with the CTA text of the link.


In general, a typical layout for the Mixed Content template would be as follows:

  1. Hero
  2. Intro Copy (parameter)
  3. Sub Intro paragraph
  4. Main Content
    Project Image with caption
    Header and paragraph
    Project image with 
  5. Additional Content
    Pull Quote
  6. Rocker Widget

Rocker Widget


The carousel of profiles at bottom of page is controlled by the Rocker Widget. In parameters select which rocker widget.


Go to Parameters: 

  1. "Rocker Heading" sets the text overlay
  2. Select profiles files ending in, created by Profile template pages. 
  3. Select 8 profiles 
  4. Optional: add CTA button with text and URL
  5. To update single profiles, the profile must be published.

Profile Simple

Profile Basic thumbnail 

This template is used to highlight successful members of the Simon's Rock community. Use this template for profiles that don't include a hero graphic or video. This template requires an image. If there isn't an image, consider using a Mixed Media template.

Page Parameters

  • Path to Rocker Widget, displays at bottom of page


MultiEdit content is output for external profile listings, including the Profile Rocker and Profile Slat. This view is shared with the Full Profile Template.

  • Headline is page headline
  • Profile Image is the page image
  • Title is displayed underneath the name on the page. It also displays as line 2 of the Profile Rocker.
  • First Name and Last Name are combined. They display underneath the image on the page. It also displays as line 1 of the Profile Rocker. For the Profile Rocker, keep the name to 11 characters, otherwise it may be get off on certain screen sizes. For privacy, students last names are often left blank.
  • DO NOT USE the Rocker Link. There is a problem with the CTA text of the link.


In general, a typical layout for the Mixed Content template would be as follows:

  1. MultiEdit Block
  2. Intro Paragraph (Intro Block)
  3. Sub Intro paragraph (Sub Intro)
  4. Main Content
    Pull Quote
  5. Rocker Widget (for instructions, see Profile Full)

Student Life

student life thumbnail

This template offers full-width content in mid-page. The page kicks off with a hero, then a section with rails, full-width, and another section with rails. Designed for the Student Life section and full-width carousel, use for pages that need full-width content.  

Page Parameters

  • Toggle hero between video and image
  • Toggle calendar


  • Hero Video
  • Intro Paragraph
  • Carousel
  • Main Content 

News Article

news article thumbnail

Pages created with this template easily sync with the News RSS feed. The page looks similar to the Mixed Media page.

News Listing

news listing thumbnail

This template displays the News RSS feed.

Page Parameters

  • RSS Feed
  • RSS Limit (more entries will increase page load)




news listing thumbnail

This template displays a video from the homepage

Page Parameters

  • YouTube Embed Link (use https)
  • CTA Text
  • CTA Link
  • 'Back' Link


Bio Template

This is a sub-template. It's a mixed-media page (see above) with a specific format. Copy the Bio Template page and insert new information using the WYSIWYG edit field. Use this template for faculty bios. The section headings on the page should remain the same. If there is no information for a section the section can be removed. Karen Advokaat should be consulted prior to making changes.

Breadcrumbs should be on the page parameters. Sidenav should be left as is.