Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
  1. Home
  2. Guide
  3. How To
  4. Creating and Editing Pages
  5. Page Parameters and Parts
  6. Hero


Make an impression on your users with full width hero images and video. 

Technical Set Up

Many of the templates use full width hero images and video. The hero pattern is automatically added to the page with filler content.

  • Toggle between image and video using page parameter (also built into the page template)



Title is required. If the field is blank, the image might not display.

Supporting Copy

Optionally add 100 - 150 words of additional content.


Optionally add CTAs with the Hero Buttons Snippet. 

Background Video

Use hosted video for background videos.

Export Size

Use the following specs to balance page load and video quality of the background video. 

  • Size: 1280 x 720
    • Why Simon’s Rock page should be sized differently in order to reduce the page load. The MP4 can be 1280x720, but OGV and WEBM, with inferior compression algorithms and less usage, should be scaled down to 640x360. 
  • Target bit rate: .9Mbps
  • Maximum bit rate: 1.5Mbps
  • Don't export audio tracks
  • Don't export metadata
  • 2 pass VBR

Export Files

Deploy multiple formats to optimize on diverse browsers. 

File Types

  • ogg
  • webm
  • mp4

File Name and Structure

  • Use same filename for all file types
  • Inside OUCampus, upload to the same directory of the _videos folder
  • For the Why Simon's Rock page, also include the poster image in the same directory and place in same file folder. 

Poster Image

  • Hero videos need a poster image for use on smaller devices. Size poster image at 1280 x 720


With hero videos, add a description to the video tag.

<video width="300" height="150" controls="controls" poster="/_images/video/homepage-hero-background.jpg"
aria-label="Whether doing field research or using first-class facilities, you will enjoy hands-on learning and an engaging classes."

Tools and programs

  • Adobe Media Encoder can create mp4 version
  • Use VideoJS, Miro Video Converter, MPEG Streamclip, Handbrake, or EasyHTML5Video to create additional file types.
  • On Easy HTML5Video: Section 3: Check MP4, webm, and ogg, size should be same as original, try quality of normal, do not check auto play, controls, loop, or watermark.

Modal Video

  • Set the CTA Button link to # and the link will open up a video modal window
  • Limit Video Modal Title to 120 characters
  • For YouTube video, use 'embed' format link format: //

Background Image

If using a background image instead of a background video. 

  • Large image: 1280 x 400
  • Main Image: 360x550
  • Homepage and ;WSR Panel Large Image: 1280x400
  • Gatekeeper Large Image: 1280x420
  • Gatekeeper Main Image: 700x350


# Bug - Hero Text

The Hero Image Title can't begin with a roman numeral (0-9). 

The hero image is displayed through CSS. The template takes the h1 line. Turns it into a class. Then creates a CSS rule for that class. But that class can't begin with a number.

Won't Work

2 Reasons Titling Can Be Confusing 

Will Work

Two Reasons Titling Can Be Confusing 

# Hack - Academy Logo

Use the Academy logo for academy themed landing pages on the Gatekeeper template

On the hero image table, add a table row. You will need to use source code. 

<tr class="logo">
<td class="ou-help" style="width: 15%;">logo</td>
<td class="logo">academy</td>

The hero-image portion of the snippet.xsl file will see this class/value combination and insert the academy adjustments to the template.