The Title IX Office is dedicated to preventing, responding to, and remedying occurrences of harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct at Bard College at Simon’s Rock and Bard Academy. The Title IX Office provides accessible, prompt, thorough, and impartial methods of investigation and resolution in response to formal complaints alleging violations of our Title IX and Equity Policies.
Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Sexual expressly prohibits harrassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct of any type, including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Such acts have no place at Simon’s Rock and offend the College’s mission and values. As such, they are strictly prohibited by the College. Bard College at Simon’s Rock is committed to developing policies and procedures which are both compliant with regulatory guidance while also reflecting the particular needs of our collective community.
Simon’s Rock conducts a comprehensive student and employee onboarding and ongoing education campaign to educate members of its community about discrimination, harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault. The College trains all new students and all new employees, regarding its policy, resources, institutional assistance, and consequences and sanctions for individuals who commit these violations.
The College engages in comprehensive, intentional, and integrated programming, initiatives, strategies, and campaigns intended to end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking that:
In addition to the primary prevention and awareness programs that take place when new students and employees arrive on campus, the College has developed an educational campaign consisting of ongoing prevention and awareness programs to all students and employees. This campaign consists of programming offered to all students and employees, events and workshops to address relevant issues, printed materials for educational and reference purposes, and numerous other face-to-face and indirect opportunities directed at both students and employees. The College continually works to revise, add to, and improve this campaign to best meet the needs of the campus community.