Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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Source Files

Testing and development files are maintained in a git repo. Files can be tested locally using or on a dedicated subdomain.

Set Up

  1. Create GitHub Account
  2. Get sharing permission from repo
  3. Set up a GIT GUI, such as Sourcetree
  4. Connect Simon's Rock Git to local

Pull Request

Use a pull request to submit code changes. Prior to making the request check the following to confirm that quality code is being submitted. 

  1. Test HTML/CSS changes locally. Confirm that the code:
    1. Does not have typos
    2. Does not break another part of the code
    3. Works across browsers and devices.
  2. When starting the pull request, check the "files changed." The files changed should only include relevant changes to the pull request. If additional files are present:
    1. consider pulling the remote branch to your branch prior to making the pull request. Merge changes locally and then try the pull request again.
    2. Alternatively, the pull request could be on the wrong branch. Assess if there is another branch that is more in sync with the branch you are working off of.
  3. Name the Pull Request According to the following convention
    1. Feature: description or Bugfix: description
    2. The description should give a concise summary of the benefit of the new code.
  4. Check in with team about branches whenever: 
    1. Starting significant project
    2. Creating a new branch
    3. Submitting pull request