Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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The college uses Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and other 3rd Party tools to track performance and user trends of the website.

Google Analytics


There are several views that offer filtered versions of the data. Use Simon’s Rock No Internal IPs to focus on external users. 


Pre-built reports provide curated data.


These two reports provides an alert if there is an increase in 404 Not Found or 301 No Access errors. These errors can be addressed by correcting bad links, adding redirects, and adding pages.

RFI Conversion

Use two reports to calculate the conversion rate of the main Request for Info Form. RFI Visit shows how many users visit the RFI form. RFI Completion shows how many users completed the form. Changing the page title of the RFI Form will break these particular measurements.

RFI Completion / RFI Visit = Form Conversion Rate

RFI Completion / Site Users = RFI Site Conversion Rate



When a prospective parent or student gives us contact information in order to find out more about Simon’s Rock, it is tracked as an inquiry. We track college and academy inquiries separately. But for cases where it is not clear, the college is defaulted.

To trigger the goal, add JavaScript on the inquiry form’s confirmation page. Use separate code for college and academy. If it's not clear or both audiences are a target, use the college code.

College Inquiries:

dataLayer.push({'event': 'formInquiry$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is

Academy Inquiries:

dataLayer.push({'event': 'formAcademyInquiry$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is

Registration - Student and Parent

dataLayer.push({'event': 'formRegistrationStudent$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is

Registration - Educator

dataLayer.push({'event': 'formRegistrationEducator$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is


dataLayer.push({'event': 'formRecommendations$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is


dataLayer.push({'event': 'formReferral$description]'}); replace $description with label of what the form is


(Legacy note: For Radius API, inquiries are measured with JavaScript which is built into the form submission process.)

Google Tag Manager takes the datalayer and creates an event in Google Analytics.

^formInquiry[a-zA-Z0-9]+ //College Inquiry Trigger
^formAcademyInquiry[a-zA-Z0-9]+ //Academy Inquiry Trigger

Category: Form
Action: Inquiry or Academy-Inquiry

Event Actions that begin with Inquiry are coded as Inquiries in GA. If it begins with Academy-Inquiry it is a Academy Inquiry.


The Donate Goal is measured by counting clicks of links with urls that begin or

Application Entrance

The Application Entrance Goal is measured by counting clicks of links with urls that begin with


Use Google Analytics (GA) experiments for conversion rate optimization (A/B split testing). GA offers code to be embedded in the head of the document. However, the code is not valid xml and needs to be escaped.

<!-- Google Analytics Content Experiment code -->
function utmx_section(){}function utmx(){}(function(){var
function f(n){if(c){var i=c.indexOf(n+'=');if(i&gt;-1){var j=c.
indexOf(';',i);return escape(c.substring(i+n.length+1,j&lt;0?c.
length:j))}}}var x=f('__utmx'),xx=f('__utmxx'),h=l.hash;d.write(
'&lt;sc'+'ript src="'+'http'+(l.protocol=='https:'?'s://ssl':
'&amp;utmx='+(x?x:'')+'&amp;utmxx='+(xx?xx:'')+'&amp;utmxtime='+new Date().
'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"&gt;&lt;\/sc'+'ript&gt;')})();

Make sure to change the experiment id k='###'.

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

The college uses Google Tag Manager to track interactions and send data to Google Analytics.

  • Set Variables prior to GTM script
  • Set Triggers to queue Tag
  • Set Tag to send data to Google Analytics
  • Get a live preview with Preview mode
  • Publish when ready


Tracking what links users click on is an important way of monitoring engagement with the site. Initial configuration is made in GTM. Custom IDs can be added to the content within the CMS. Then, the tracking occurs in GA.

ID Schema

Use the following schema on high priority links for consistent tracking.

  • Assign IDs within the <a> tag
  • Follow NavContainer_SectionName[_SubSectionName]
  • The sub-section name is added as needed.

ID Schema Examples

  • For example, the “Info for”dropdown in the primary navigation contains these element IDs (along with others):
    • id="PrimaryNav_InfoFor_CurrentStudentsAndFamilies"
    • id="PrimaryNav_InfoFor_Alumni"
  • Samples from the “Why Simon’s Rock” menu include:
    • id="PrimaryNav_WhySimonsRock"
    • id="PrimaryNav_WhySimonsRock_TheAcademicExperience"
  • The footer links are configured in the same manner:
    • id="Footer_Connect_Blog"
    • id="Footer_Connect_ContactUs"
    • id="Footer_Visit_MapAndDirections"
    • id="Footer_Visit_KilpatrickAthleticCenter"
  • Asset CTAs:
    • id="CTA_[TheTextOfTheLink]
  • Recommended but not actively used:
    • Individual links within the content can use: 
      • SectionName_PageName_LinkName_btn|link|img
      • The first part of the ID is the name of the section containing the page, followed by the page name itself, the name of the link, and finally the type of link it is. For example, it’s not uncommon to have an image and a text link both link to the same target URL. By including “_img” at the end of the image ID and “_link” at the end of the text link, the site analyst can track patterns of engagement, which can provide insight about usability.
      • This schema can be used on CTAs as well, although you may want to add “_CTA_” between LinkName and the link type. Being able to search on “CTA” in GA may aid in your reporting.

Click Measurement

  • Review clicked link text within GA: Behavior/Events/Event Category = Clicks/Event Action
  • Review clicked ID within GA: Behavior/Events/Event Category = Clicks/Custom Dimension = Element ID

Form Measurement

In Tag Manager, set the Variable

Name: Event

Type: Custom Event

In Tag Manager, set the Trigger

Custom Event

Fire on: Event Name - Form Submit

In Tag Manager, set the Tag

Google Analytics
Universal Analytics
Configure Tag: Track Type = Event, (Set corresponding category & action), label = {{event}}

The {{event}} variable is defined in the JS on form submit.

  'event': gtmLabel

Fire On: Form Submit [or corresponding Trigger]

Tag Manager Governance

  1. Before new measurement feature in Tag Manager or Google Analytics:
    1. Notify Michael (Website Manager)
    2. No need to notify ahead of time if just flushing out features that already exist, e.g. we are currently tagging a specific URL and now need to add an additional URL
  2. Publishing in Tag Manager or measurement adjustment in tag manager:
    1. Give descriptive name in Tag Manager
    2. Notify Michael
    3. Michael will notify update all stakeholders of updates so all stakeholders can review if numbers on track
  3. In Tag Manager, do not leave adjusted features unpublished
    1. If we there is an ongoing need for an unpublished feature, notify all stakeholders not to publish

Digital Advertising Tracking

Simon's Rock contracts with 3rd party vendors for digital advertising. The vendors use additional tracking tools placed on relevant confirmation pages.


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