Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
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Application Selection


We have two separate 3rd party college admissions applications, each with it's own log-in. How do we encourage applicants to take the next step, provide necessary information, and make it easy for applicants to select the correct application?

Solution Parameters

A solution must:

  • Make it easy for the user to get to the appropriate application
  • Be implemented quickly


paragraphs with links

original version with paragraphs

bullet points

Reduced text with bullet points after the button

side by side comparison

Side by side buttons with a shared table


The prediction was that the most minimal versions would preform the best. Side by side comparison would be the strongest, and simpler with bullet points would be a slight improvement over the original.


The side by side converts significantly higher than the other variations. The reduced text with bullet points performs worse than the original.