Bard College at Simon’s Rock launched the Center for Food Studies in 2013 to advance the community’s knowledge of food as a cultural force and awareness of our responsibilities as stewards of a sustainable food system.
The Center's educational mission will promote an understanding of the world around us by providing a forum for collaboration, communication, and learning across a variety of food realms by:
A Food Studies concentration can help you expand your academic potential and follow
your passions, ultimately leading to a rewarding career. Everyone eats; the study
of how and what we eat crosses into nearly every discipline. Food Studies makes an
ideal bridge between STEM fields and social studies, law, or creative pursuits, giving students opportunities to change
the world by putting their ideas to work in sustainability, food justice, public health,
and more. Coursework in Food Studies can round out your academic portfolio by expanding
your fields of expertise, or can help you pursue a novel interest like cheesemaking
or beekeeping. A second concentration in Food Studies can help you take your undergraduate
liberal arts education from Simon’s Rock and go far. Our first Food Studies graduate
is working toward a Master’s degree in Critical Animal Studies at Brock University.
The website Good Food Jobs connects Food Studies graduates with meaningful work for
careers as diverse as food artisans, economists, policymakers, and environmental educators.
See the possibilities at Good Food Jobs.
The annual ThinkFOOD Conference brings together farmers, educators, and entrepreneurs for lively discussions of interdisciplinary topics. Recent conferences have focused on food activism, regional food culture, and the future of farming. In addition to the conference, The Center for Food Studies sponsors lectures, panels, films, and workshops.
The Center for Food Studies is expanding all the time, and we now offer a formal concentration
in the BA Program. Find full details on the Concentration in Food Studies
Students may also choose a second concentration in Food Studies in conjunction with an established concentration. Food Studies is easily paired with Cross-Cultural Relations, Creative Writing, Social Action/Social Change, or Political Studies, for example.
Students interested in this concentration can spend a semester at the Umbra Institute’s Center for Food & Sustainability Studies in the central Italian city of Perugia. Students will have the opportunity to take courses with community-engaged components, with community-engaged components, work on independent research, and do credit-bearing internships. See the program brochure .
Meet Mo Constantine '14, the first student with a self-designed concentration in Food Studies.
Teaching at the Intersection of Food, Culture, and Community.
Maryann Tebben
Professor of French/Francophone and Food Studies