It’s your educational path, but you won’t have to navigate it alone.
You will meet regularly with your advisor in the first two years, reflecting on your progress toward the AA, and discussing the evolution of your interests and abilities, as well as your goals and plans. In the sophomore year, you are encouraged to consider the concentrations and opportunities for study away available to BA students.
“I moderated just a few weeks ago—moderated into Physics. If I stay at Simon’s Rock, which is likely, I’ll do the Columbia 3-2 for Engineering Program, in which case I’d be going to Applied Physics.”
— Kevin ’10
Moderation is a collaborative process for making decisions about your BA plans and
focus that is open to all sophomores, both those determined to stay and those planning
on transfer.
Working with professors who know your work well, you develop a plan that includes advanced coursework that digs deep into the material that most interests you, world-expanding opportunities on and off-campus and, ultimately, the completion of your own Senior Project. At moderation, students also ask for faculty advice about the best programs and opportunities in their field, whether for transfer or graduate school.