Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College

Bread and Puppet Theater performance

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Daniel Arts Center - McConnell Theater

Faust 3 is a study on displacement, heaven, and satisfaction in the tradition of Medieval Faust puppet shows and Goethe’s verse dramas. As thematically and formally diverse as Goethe’s Fausts 1 and 2, Bread and Puppet’s Faust 3 draws its public through a dreamlike succession of scenes depicting various salient aspects of proletarian experience in our time: from refugee migration, to the ubiquity of the gun; from the hunger that accompanies food product diversity, to the daily experience of factory workers, the rebellion of prisoners, and the adoration of the sun. "Faust 3" himself is played by a small hand-puppet, darting between the hopper and the spout of a giant grain mill. A phalanx of black folding chairs menaces the masses with its resolutions of pity. Lubberland National dancers hop, wiggle, and whistle. And a purple brass band arrives to jitter levity into the feet of the population. 

Cost: Free to Simon's Rock Community

Website: Click to Visit

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