Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College
  1. Home
  2. Guide
  3. How To
  4. Creating and Editing Pages
  5. New Page

New Page

Introduce new content that supports our digital strategy and provides helpful information to our users.

These features are only available to Level 5+ users.


Create pages that support the website goals and helps users perform a specific action.

  • Have a clear goal for the page. Is the user getting information, performing a task? 
  • Identify the primary audience. 
  • Consider the user experience. How does the user get to this page and what are they expecting? 

How To Make a New Page 

  1. Log In
  2. Select "pages" tab at top. 
  3. Navigate to location of new page
  4. Select "+ New"
  5. Select Template
  6. Enter Page Title
  7. Enter Page Description
  8. Skip Keywords
  9. Toggle whether or not to add the new page to the Secondary Nav.
  10. Create Filename
  11. Select Create
  12. Follow Edit Page Instructions
    1. Submit Page
    2. Submit .nav file



Look for intuitive breaks that can be described under a single header. Aim to group 2-6 pages into a section. Sections allows you to customize elements of the experience including: 

  • Secondary Nav
  • Breadcrumb
  • Parent URL
  • CMS permissions

How to Create Sections

  1. Create new section (not folder)
  2. Select Directory Name (URL)
  3. Select Friendly Name (Appears in Breadcrumb)
  4. Add details for index page. 

Customize Secondary Nav

The secondary nav on the left hand side is organized by section. The section can use another section’s secondary nav by setting the navPath section variable. Use the path to the section you want to use.